The emotional side of matter
Bye Sandro Serradifalco
The first impression that arouses the art of Francesco Mazzi is an idea
of controlled freedom of expression. They never seem to be there, in the
works by him, rough choices, everything seems to be well thought out,
wisely orchestrated. The contribution is out of the question
distinctive that characterizes the material in the expressive research of the artist Mazzi. Through an apparently abstract dialectic, but tending to be figural, the artist enhances a very personal dialog with the chromatic elements.
Elements intended not as complements to the pictorial narrative, rather as compounds
protagonists of the scene. The narrative construct manifests itself with skillful
manipulation, proceeds without hesitation in thicknesses and three-dimensional
Francesco propositions that follow the gaze, astounding for the particular aesthetic composure.
The emotional side of the material is emanated through an always well balanced tonal system
capable of enchanting the fruition by leading the observer towards intended perceptual vibrations.